
My Forever Family
Hi Kerrianne, I think we are making great progress considering in the beginning it was a half step forward and two steps back. We are now holding steady and continuing to move forward. The harness will be the next adventure probably next week! You just cannot push this little gremlin… he travels at his own speed. I would like the name of the groomer you mentioned so I could discuss Jojo's possible being groomed. Thank you, Deb Hi Kerrianne, Just a little update: Jojo is coming along nicely and is is much less aggressive now. I can tell now he had a lot of trust issues. The harness is still a no go, but I can get the leash on and off now with no issues! He is quite a vocal little man if not getting the attention he is demanding and goes into his little temper tantrum with his growl/bark (lol) it’s now very comical to me. I pick him up and give him a kiss and set him down and that’s all he needs. He loves his forehead rubbed between his eyes and will fall right to sleep. He does this little whine when he really needs to go out to pee, took me awhile to figure that one out. He loves his toys and likes to play tugawar with me. His toys get put away at night and by mid morning his favorites are out again. I can leave him alone and uncrated for about 3-4hrs and he is fine. I can now brush him easily but a bath can be challenging. He does need to be groomed but I'm not sure he’s ready for that and not sure how I should approach that. Regards Deb |